Activity 1

Read Chapter 1 of ‘Coraline.’ 

Consider the text and answer the following questions:

What is your first impression of Coraline?

Sum up her character in 3 sentences.

Extension: find a quotation from the text to support your impression of her.

Activity 2

In chapters 4 and 5 we see how Coraline faces danger and being alone.

Make a Fear Factor graph which shows how Coraline feels about her experiences during these two chapters.

Use the following events in the story to plot on your graph:

Coraline is invited to stay with her Other Parents forever – Page 29

She is offered button eyes – Page 29

Her Other Mother strokes her hair – Page 28

Coraline’s real parents have vanished – Page 31/32

Coraline is alone at night and cries – Page 33

Coraline sees her parents trapped in a mirror – Page 33

The policeman does not take Coraline seriously – Page 35

The Other Mother’s teeth are too long – Page 39

Coraline is told her real parents don’t want her – Page 40

There is only one key to the door – and the Other Mother has it – Page 41

The Other Mother has rats as pets – Page 41

Coraline is trapped in the Other House – Page 41

Sum up her character in 3 sentences.

Extension: find a quotation from the text to support your impression of her.

Activity 3

Chapter 7 In Chapter 7 we meet the three other victims of the Other Mother.

  •  Who were they?
  •  What do we learn about each one?
  •  How did each one become trapped?


Remember to use quotations to support your points. 

Activity 4

Chapter 8 – Put the following events in order that they happen in Chapter 8:


  • She goes outside where she finds another soul – a bright marble
  • Coraline gets scared and starts running
  • The other mother accepts the challenge 
  • Coraline goes exploring to find her parents and the other children’s souls.
  • The other mother makes Coraline her favourite breakfast
  • The other mother comes and gets Coraline out from behind the mirror
  • Coraline finds the soul of one of the other children – a red marble
  • Coraline challenges her other mother to a “finding-things” game
  • She changes back into her own pyjamas

Activity 5

Reflection – What makes Coraline an effective heroine?

Heroine Definition: a woman who is looked up to for her good character or fine actions.

Try to answer the question above. Use the sentence stems and key words below to help.

Brave  Curious  Determined  Strong Helpful Protective Unselfish Kind Honest

In my opinion

I think that

It is clear that

It is exciting when

It creates suspense when

We feel …. when

This shows

This suggests

This implies 

This demonstrates